Monthly Archives: February 2019

February 2019

The twice weekly community meals are Tuesday Dinner at 5:30pm and Thursday Lunch at 12:30pm, feature home-make soups & bread, salad bar, dessert, beverages, vegetarian and side-dishes, as well as the following entrees: 2/5 Roast Beef.  2/7 Pierogis. 2/12 Chicken legs and thighs.  2/14 taco bar.  2/19 turkey dinner. 2/21 Pizza.  2/26 meatloaf.  2/28 Beef Wellington.

School Vacation Week Thursday – Pizza-Making Party for kids (& all ages). Like we do about 5 times a year, we make the Thursday lunch into a pizza-making event starting at 11am on Thursday 2/21.  This month it will be followed by a special guest animal presenter from Nature Matters Inc. bringing critters, starting at 1pm.

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