Monthly Archives: January 2018

Creating a healthy living environment

blue zone Middlefield Library begins a 5 month book club & wellness affinity group, starting with Dan Buettner’s book “The Blue Zones Solution” about working together as a community to alter our food and social environment to increase health and vitality. Meeting one Tuesday each month, the group will plan meals, trips, walking groups, and discuss other ways of providing good companionship for healthy lifestyles.  Each month will explore the habits, food, and cultural practices of different “Blue Zones” (locations of exceptional health and longevity).  January 16th meeting, 9:30-10:30am, will focus on Ikaria, Greece.  February on Okinawa, Japan.  March on Sardinia, Italy.  April on Loma Linda, CA.  May on Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica.

The project, initiated by Middlefield Librarian Maryann Walsh (, has in-town support from Middlefield Council on Aging, and from Blossom-Center Middlefield (a local, food-offering, nonprofit Community Center (  This Blue Zone project is launched in collaboration with the Southern Hilltowns Adult Education Center (  Additional regional collaboration partners encouraging the project include: the Hilltown CDC (;

In person meetings monthly at the Library, 188 Skyline Trail Middlefield MA, begin Tuesday January 16th, 9:30-10:30am.